As the only University of Wyoming sponsored business incubator program in the state, we’re here to help you turn your ideas into a successful, sustainable, and profitable business.
IMPACT 307 is here to provide objective advice, professional expertise, and offer a sounding board for the many questions that arise when exploring a business start-up.
“Through supportive business counseling, strategy review, market research and more, our team of experts are here to listen, offer professional advice and mentorship you as you explore how to make an impact with your business.”

IMPACT 307 brings a wide range of expertise to the table!
Asking the Hard Questions
“Launching a new anything, especially a business, is a daily exercise in problem-solving. Whether you are a novice or veteran entrepreneur, to succeed, you need people who are there to ask you the hard questions, push you to see things differently, test your assumptions, and help you consider options that you didn’t even know existed. And to keep from burning out, you also need those people to be for you, cheering you along in the successful moments, and helping you fail forward when that happens too. All of that, and more, has been my experience and the great value I’ve found as a client of Impact 307 and engaging with the amazing team who leads it. Thank you so much for all that you do to support me, and so many others, as we work to build things that will change the world!”
Valuable Business Advising
The Sheridan business incubator has provided valuable business advising and community connections to help grow Connect Speech Therapy. Scot helped connect me with attorney's, accountants, and marketing professionals who were all eager to support a Wyoming start-up business.
Critically Important Feedback
The staff at IMPACT 307 provide critically important feedback on entrepreneurs' chances of success right from the get-go. Their methodology excels at pin-pointing weak spots in a business model and surfacing needed improvements. Although they can seem harsh, their intent is always to help businesses succeed by finding and correcting these weaknesses before any interested parties have the chance to see them.
My personal advice is take their notes in full and address them comprehensively, because if they are able to find weak spots... many investors and customers will pick up on them as well -- they just won't have the kindness to inform you about them.
Growing Our Business
``The Sheridan Incubator has allowed us a central office location as well as small business support. Because we are mobile, it is very important to have a location where staff can gather, supplies can be stored, signage cam be posted and resources can be found. The Sheridan Incubator supplies these for us. The support of a new and innovative business has been invaluable in growing this business and is something that many new entrepreneurs do not have; for this we are very grateful.``
Guidance Provided
Starting a business is easy, running it successfully is a whole another story. IMPACT307 has a thorough approach in assessing business ideas and in providing guidance to the founders. It required asking hard questions from day one that ultimately improved our business model and approach to forming and running our business. There are many unknowns and bumps along the journey and without the support of the staff and the experience of the executive director we would have been running in circles losing time. Being a member of the IMPACT307 community is a fantastic first step in the direction of business success.
Entrepreneur Joys and Challenges
``MuscleShok Sport Therapy is a Gillette, Wyoming based Start Up founded by two sisters whom face the typical entrepreneur joys and challenges. Scot Rendall, IMPACT Sheridan Director checks in regularly with us to celebrate the successes, discuss strategies, strategic options and offer business resources, including a UW intern to match the needs of our growing business. This invaluable assistance has boosted our growth and allwed us to experiment with new marketing approaches.``
Our Foundation is Taking Root
The many hours of business advising, motivation and invaluable resources made available through the IMPACT Sheridan business incubator have been instrumental in making my dream of becoming a greenhouse business owner a reality. As a winner of the 2019 Start Up Challenge, the grant funding to cover initial costs has accelerated my growth which otherwise would had taken years.
Business Plan Assessmnent
The guidance and counsel IMPACT 307 provided was invaluable to getting our business off the ground and helping us make the tough decisions that often characterize a new startup. Working with IMPACT 307 has given us an opportunity to accurately assess our business plans from top to bottom, from identifying target market segments, to setting product development goals and allocating our limited resources. One of the most challenging aspects of starting a business is finding the right resources and information and IMPACT 307 fills that gap. The team at IMPACT 307 has challenged us beyond what we thought we could achieve and helped us take our business from fund-raising to sales.