IMPACT 307 – Cheyenne

Nestled along Crow Creek on the high plains of southeastern Wyoming, IMPACT Cheyenne is located on the fourth floor of the Clay Pathfinder Building at LCCC.

Contact IMPACT Cheyenne

IMPACT 307 provides deep expertise, coaching, and shared resources for founders to thrive.

Turning a great idea into a business can present many uncertainties and opportunities. IMPACT Cheyenne is here to provide objective advice, professional expertise, and offer a sounding board for the many questions that arise when exploring a business start-up.

Contact Us

Meet the IMPACT Cheyenne Team

Derrek Jerred

Derrek serves as Senior Director of IMPACT 307. In his role, Derrek works one-on-one with IMPACT clients, and oversees development activities throughout southern Wyoming.

Josh Keefe

Josh serves as Assistant Director of IMPACT 307. In his role, Josh also works one-on-one with IMPACT clients to provide business startup advisory services to entrepreneurs in southern Wyoming.


Clay Pathfinder Building – 4th floor
1400 E College Drive
Cheyenne, WY 82007

ph: 307-766-6395

ph: 307-631-9133


Southeast Wyoming Innovation Launchpad

To complement the Fisher Innovation Launchpad, IMPACT Laramie launched the Southeast Wyoming Innovation Launchpad (SEWYIL) in 2019 for individuals in Albany and Laramie Counties to receive business counseling and financial assistance for launching their business idea.

Finalists have access to seed money to take their business past concept stage and into real-world first article builds and initial sales. The competition will identify Winning Finalists who will all be eligible to apply for a portion of a $50,000 seed fund.

SEWYIL Information
Southeast Wyoming Innovation Launchpad logo

Special thanks to the supporters of the Southeast Wyoming Innovation Launchpad!

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